The Global Blockchain Organization was launched as a techno-economic possibility that would shape the world of the 21st century. As a part of the initiative launch of Alternative Development Organization (ADO), where more than 250 leaders from across the world participated in Oslo, Norway, GBO represented a larger idea of democratic and trusted organization, which will go on to work as a catalyst for techno-economic empowerment of systems. The launch event was addressed by more than 25 speakers including business leaders, policy makers and high-representatives of various countries. The launch, through various participants, showcased GBO’s primary mission of bringing together governments, corporations, blockchain industry experts, associations and other related stakeholders under one common platform.
An exclusive Pre-Launch of Global Blockchain Organization was held at the Hotel Inter-Continental in Malta. It marked the soft launch of the Organization where Mr. Vibhav Kant Upadhyay, Founder and Chairman of GBO shared the vision and mission of the organization along with its future roadmap with the launch of preliminary website. board members presented the Objectives of GBO, Governance Structure and Membership Model of GBO. The core team of GBO along with the ADO board held the first board meeting along with its newly introduced advisors. Global Blockchain Organization was also recognized with its first award as Blockchain Contributor of the year 2019 Award